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The Dawn Follower

                The Dawn Follower is a gigantic ship designed by Khan himself. Originally called the Dawn Slayer, it’s made for battle. The hull is designed with extremely thick smart steel, a newer technology developed by the Scavs. The smart steel allows it to adjust its temperature to throw off heat-seeking missiles as well as for camouflaging the ship. The armor not only reflects any laser shot at it, but it also absorbs the energy of the beam of any energy weapon (and even those that are not.) The energy, in turns, helps power the ship through battle. Another thing about the smart steel is that it is self healing, a must-have in battle.

                Armed with state-of-the-art technology, it’s almost unbeatable in battle. In fact, it did so well in battle, that Khan started making a duplicate of it, known as the Dawn Slayer. Unfortunately around this time, Gabriella stole the ship from Roman, and she and the Shadow Elite escaped in it. Even thought Khan still had the blueprints, he wasn’t quite able to duplicate it completely.

                The computer systems aboard the Dawn Follower are some of the most advanced types. Ever single memory of the crew is uploaded to ship, and it is hooked up to every single last ship system in Khan’s possession. The reason for this? Any information, including enemy troop placements, battles, planets, space pirate movement, you name it, logged into any ship’s computer is instantly available aboard the Dawn Follower. The Dawn Follower can also scan just about any ship and create a detailed blueprint in about forty-three point seven seconds. The only drawback of this shared computer network is that anyone good enough to hack any of the others’ ships’ computers could have access to the Dawn Follower data-banks. But Khan foresaw this problem and wisely placed many safeguards and security measures.

                The Dawn Follower has also been called “The Floating City” because it’s large enough to hold 90,000 soldiers  and enough provisions to last six months or more. As you can well imagine, just about every race tried to get rid of the ship, but it seemed impossible.

                Now that Gabriella stole it, however, the ship isn’t used a lot for much except for rounding up space pirates when asked by the Shadow Network. It’s also currently being used to form a blueprint that can be used to—under close supervision—create more.


The Hovercraft

Originally created so the Team could get around fast inside and outside a planet’s atmosphere, it quickly developed into something more. Designed by Brandon, its sleek form and high-powered fusion engines allow it to move quickly. The craft is also very maneuverable, which comes in handy when fighting against—or trying to run away from—larger ships.

                The computer systems aren’t too advanced, but allow for telepathic control. Each one has a small, almost indestructible metal plate that looks slightly like the classic UFO in the heart of the ship’s computer. Every little bit of data—including any memories, thoughts, or events you wish to record, as well as all the courses the ship has ever flown—is stored here. Because it has a built-in homing device, when it’s released (usually by an explosion), it returns to the base on the home planet.

                The hovercrafts have adjustable wings and tail fins, allowing it to fly through narrow spaces like canyons, gorges, or mountains. It also has cutting lasers, two heat cannons, blasters, tractor beams, and an energy extractor.

                While not designed for combat, it tends to do okay. The main use for this is sending messages, scouting, and racing.


Escort 1.6

                The Escort 1.6 is shaped like a huge, metal shark. It’s not necessarily sleek, being more designed for protection, but don’t let the bulkiness fool you—the Escort 1.6 is capable of mind-blowing speed when necessary.

                Armed to the teeth with weapons, its purpose is to protect and escort ships of any kind. It’s designed with heavy duty tractor beams to pull damaged ships if necessary, and it has advanced sensors so that it can catch enemy ships a long way off.

                The Escort 1.6 has an interesting feature—in order to control the ship, you must have a chip implanted in the temple. While it may seem unnecessary, the reason for this to keep hijackers from controlling the ship. Unless you have the chip in your temple, you cannot control the ship. The chip also monitors heart-rate, breathing, ect., and if something happens to the captain, the entire ship shuts down, and in some cases, self-destructs. While this may seem a little much, the Mawrygens were putting as many safety checks in as they possibly could.



                The Granger is not a great ship by any means, but because the can be massed produced in so little time (1,000 a day), their numbers often overwhelm larger, better made ships and defeat them.

                The good thing about Grangers is they can be controlled from a computer, so the need for a crew is eliminated, therefore they’re often used for what would be called suicide missions. However, Granger cyber security isn’t very good, so they’re easily hacked.

                Even with all of this, Grangers are still a commonly used ship, mainly used for suicide missions, and other uses, like getting rid of nuclear substances, ect.


Spartan Space Sphere

                The Spartan Space Sphere is, indeed, shaped like a sphere. The heavy armor is

formed by what appears to be, and is, interlocking steel gears. The Spartan Space Spheres

move extremely fast, and they usually orbit the Cheellan planets. They’re like glorified defense

platforms. While a person can live in one, people usually don’t.

                The Spartan Space Sphere camouflages itself and waits. When it identifies an enemy

ship, it may do two things: one, open fire on it, or two, attach itself to the enemy ship, scan its

systems, and then self destruct, causing damage to the ship or blowing it up, too.


Flight Glider

The Flight Glider is basically a dreadnaught, drawing from Cheellan, Mawrygen, and Ordantian dreadnaught designs. Its name is derived from its long, stream-lined look and extreme speed. Its wings are adjustable, and its engines take up a good bit of the ship, allowing for this extreme speed.

                This ship also packs some serious power, along with a gravitational beamer that can smash entire planets and moons. While this weapon is only installed on certain ships, it’s deadly and can wipe out your enemy in days.

                The Flight Glider is good for battle, but it’s also good for escorts and usage as a medical ship.

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