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Relatives: Abigail Robertson (sister)

Lakin Robertson (cousin)

Position: Team leader


Being the leader of the Team, I have a lot of responsibility. Born in North Carolina, I was asked by Brandon to join the Team when I was fourteen.

I have good telepathic abilities, and I am very athletic. My favorite weapon is a blade staff, and I am an accurate aim with just about any weapon.

My greatest fear is that one day, I'll make a poor decision and my friends will get hurt. As a result of this, I train very hard and tend to think my decisions through very thoroughly.

Oh, and another one of my fears is that someday, Lakin will kill us all with her terrible driving. It could happen.


Relatives: Chris Robertson (brother)

Lakin Robertson (cousin)

Position: Team member


I often feel left-behind because I have to work harder at everything than anyone else. In fact, I risked termination for the first two years after being on the Team. And even though the training scenarios showed I would fail in every situation, I proved myself on our first and second missions.

I am athletic, but I'm not outstanding in much else, except rock climbing. In fact, even my telepathic abilities are poor. I practice them a lot, and they're getting a little better.

I like to play the piano, and sometimes Jenny and I write music together.

My biggest fear is being terminated from the Team.

Relatives: Chris Robertson (cousin)

Abigail Robertson (cousin)

Position: Team member


I'm a confident, strong-willed person with brown hair and brown eyes like my cousins. When I'm not helping Abigail train or pulling pranks with Jackson, I'm typically reading or practicing hacking computers. (It's one of my mediocre spots.) 

My favorite weapon is a laser pistol, and I also like shooting a bow. 

My telepathic abilities have developed faster and are stronger than anyone else's. The reason for this is currently unknown.

I am scared of heights and deep water, but no one but me knows that.

I'm known to be a reckless driver but hey, who cares? I make it from point A  to point B all in one piece (though the same can't always be said for the car.)

Relatives: Jackson Carson (cousin)

Julia Carson (cousin)

Position: Team member


I'm a quieter blonde who likes to read and play music. In fact, I play the piano, the violin, the guitar, and the cello. I spend a lot of time recording music, and someday I hope to make my own album.

I'm okay with computers and I'm very good with weapons. I've been told I'm a fast thinker, which may be true. I've also been told I'm pretty.

My telepathic abilities are developing as they should, but I don't use them very often. Half the time I forget I even have them. Sera Kernava spent several months in my head, and she used my abilities. I wasn't sure if I was sad or happy when she left and took control of a falcon's body.

Most of the team members come to me when they have a problem or need someone to talk to. 

I like animals and I volunteer at the local animal shelter.

My greatest fear is that something will happen to me. I mean, who wants to die?



Relatives: Jackson Carson (brother)

Jenny Carson (cousin)

Position: Team member


I'm shy around people I don't know, but I'm my normal self around people I do know. I have a sense of humor and I'm a quick thinker. And even though I hate math and science, I find I make a great ship designer.

I'm allergic to cats, but I do have a dog.

My telepathic abilities are very, very strong as well, to the point where Brandon thinks I'm an anomaly. In fact, I was surprised when, on our second mission, ice started shooting out of my palms. I'm convinced Sera Kernava knows something about it, but she won't tell me what's going on.

I hate feeling like I'm being taken advantage of, and also being underrated (which I often am.) 

Relatives: Julia Carson (sister)

Jenny Carson (cousin)

Position: Combat strategist


I am one cool dude, with spiked blonde hair and the bluest eyes you'll ever see. I'm the combat strategist and might I say, I am the best one you'll ever get? I'm a quick thinker, and I also stay calm in dangerous situations. However, if you ask my friends, they'll say I'm a little rash and my pranks go to far. (Not that that's ever my fault that someone always ends up hurt.) They'll also tell you my toast is toxic, and I'm a horrible cook. But who cares?

I also invent things and design most of our weapons with Brandon.

My telepathic abilities are just as strong as Julia's, and I can also use ice. Where it comes from is a mystery, and it's like a reflex reaction. It won't come when you think about it, but only when you're not thinking about it.

I'm a reckless driver too, but not as bad as Lakin.

Relatives: Rachel McComber (sister)

Position: Second-in-command


While I'm not a take-charge sort of person, people are willing to listen to me and trust my decisions. I'm an easy-come, easy-go sort of person, who seems to be unphased by a lot of things. The reality is, I just think before and I speak. And I think and ponder things a lot, too.

Sometimes. I feel a little insecure about my position. I feel like people think Jackson would do a better job than me.

I joined the Team when I was fourteen, and I've never regretted the decision. But sometimes I do wonder if we actually make that big of a difference.

My telepathic abilities are where they should be. My favorite telepathic ability is moving things with my mind. 

I am currently the only 

one who bothers to use this ability..

My favorite weapon is a Colt 9-11.

Relatives: Blue Jay Cutler (adopted-


Connor (brother)

Carlyss (sister)

Estella (sister)

Position: Team member


I'm a little out-spoken, and I have a good sense of humor. I was aged by a vortex when I was five, so now I look like I'm fourteen or fifteen, and I won't start aging until my age catches up with my looks. I thought I was really Blue Jay's sister, but as things were, I was actually switched out at birth, and I'm a Spartan. I'm also a psionic, which means I use my psychic powers for practical uses, like hacking computer networks. I record every single thought and emotion on the ring I wear. In fact, it's the same one that created the vortex that aged me. The only sad thing is I haven't gotten to meet my real parents, and after our first initial meeting, I haven't gotten to see my two sisters.

I love running and climbing, and I help design the weapons with Jackson, and I also do interior ship design.




Relatives: Peter McComber (brother)

Position: Team secretary


I'm a spunky person with mousy blonde hair and doe brown eyes. I enjoy the little things that people don't notice or don't care about.

I really love horses and I train my uncle's dogs when we visit. I also volunteer at the local animal shelter.

When we moved from Nevada, I wasn't very happy. I was actually a real snot then, but the Team changed all of that.

I'm what you would call a "sleeping giant"--someone who hasn't reached their full potential. I'm a way better hacker than anyone on the Team, including Sera Kernava. My telepathic abilities are the most fine-tuned of anyone's, including Lakin's.

My biggest problem is that I struggled with feeling underrated, because I often am. Unlike Julia, though, I have the ability to prove to people what I can really do, but what's the point?


Relatives: Kitty Cutler ("sister")

Position: Team member


I have black hair and blue eyes, and I love anything katana or pistol. 

I'm a little overprotective of my sister, but it's not a bad thing. After everything she's been through, the least I can do is be there for her.

I have fairly good telepathic abilities, and I love using them to pull pranks with Jackson and Lakin.

I like to go mudding, and I like to take Kitty with me.

I worry sometimes that Kitty loves her real family more than me, even though she doesn't ever see Carlyss or Estella.

I love to invent things, and that's really what I do most of the time. I also am really good at repairing things, so when something's not working, I typically fix it. 

I can cook very well, and sometimes I make dinner for my family. In fact, I do most of the time. My mother has her hands full, anyway, because she has some health issues, and is trying to take care of our grandmother, who recently moved in.

Relatives: Kitty (sister)

Carlyss (sister)

Estella (sister)

Position: Honorary  team member


I'm a fifty year old Spartan, but I don't look a day over seventeen, because for a Spartan, that's young. Also, Eva and I had an anti-aging prototype tested out on us. Whether it worked or not is a mystery.

I'm a more closed person, and I like to hide my emotions. I'm a class nine warrior, and I stay calm in emergency situations. Well, most of the time. I don't become angry very often, but when I do...

I've done a lot of things I regret, one of which was betraying Eva. Even though I really didn't have a choice, it really hurt me to do it to her.

I can telepathically hack any computer network, like most Spartans can. (And yes, our race's name is rather cliche, but hey, what can I do about it?)

I enjoy hunting and moving things with my mind. My favorite weapons are throwing stars, a bow, and a laser cannon. I'm a trained sniper, so I use guns too.


Relatives: No known living relatives

Position: Trainer


I am a fifty-four year old Spartan with blonde hair I keep braided and green eyes. Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm emotionless, but that's not really the case. I've just learned to hide my emotions. After everything I've done and seen, it's not surprising.

When I was captured by the Gar, I morphed. Since I have trouble with morphing, I ended up getting stuck as a weird beast. I slept for several years, chained up in a Gar outdoor containment cell. Kitty discovered the ring, which then woke me up. Connor arrived soon after to free me, but it wasn't all just because he was concerned about me. The main reason was because his family was being held captive. In fact, he was even forced to "kill" me. Thankfully, I'm pretty hard to kill.

I too, telepathically hack, and I'm a class nine warrior, too. I've been training ever since I was seven, when my family was killed by the Gar. The Spartan Elders saw my potential and raised me.

I struggle with bitterness and my deep hatred for the Gar.

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